Calcite - Increases motivation & hope, changing ideas into action. Stabilizing stone that enhances self-trust & the ability to overcome setbacks. Speeds up spiritual development & growth Coverts emotional stress into serenity, calming the mind. Place in a room to cleanse negative energies from environment.
Pyrite- excellent energy shield. Blocks out negative energy pollutants on all levels. Very positive stone; overcomes fatigue, melancholy & feelings of inadequacy. Taps into abilities & potential, stimulating flow of ideas. Relieves anxiety & frustration & improves memory & recall.
Fluorite- great study stone that cleanses, purifies, & reorganizes anything in the body that is not in perfect order. Increases: self-confidence, concentration, & absorbing new info bringing quick thinking. Highly protective & emotionally stabilizing, helping to overcome chaos & move passed narrow-mindedness.